Monday, November 8, 2021

Workings of the Supreme Court Reflection By: Olivia Moran

     I learned information about the Supreme Court today after watching a 20-minute informational video. I learned that just over 100 Supreme Court justices serve an average amount of 16 years bench twice that long some even remain decades after the president who appointed them has left office. I also learned that the Supreme Court receives more than 100 new cases every week which accumulates to a rough 7,000 a year.
    I would find that the most important takeaway about the Supreme Court is the unbiased yet opinionated justice system that falls in the laps of Nine justices, this includes fighting court cases for people of the public along with passing and rejecting laws that are made.

    I found that the most surprising thing that I learned was most who send letters to the Supreme Court or petition for certiorari, meaning a letter stating the lower court was wrong in their ruling and that person wants their case moved to the Supreme Court. I also learned that the Supreme Court only takes about 100 of these a year, out of the many letters non-extreme cases have a slim to no chance of getting to the Supreme Court.

While I have much respect for the Supreme Court I did not realize all the work that they have to do while they spend it sometimes more than half their life working the same job. Both I and the public cannot acknowledge all the work that is put into making this country run efficiently. From writing statement after statement, paper after paper, describing why your opinion matters and how it may persuade other people on the justice can be tiring and mentally exhausting. Overall, it is really exhilarating to see that so many dedicated people are appointed to our elected offices and the Supreme Court justice.

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