Monday, December 13, 2021

EOTO #2 Reflection

 During the second EOTO, there were a lot of new terms I learned throughout the presentations. One that stood out to me more than others is Kayla Miller’s presentation about the echo chamber. The term echo chamber refers to the environment where someone encounters here opinions from others, only to reflect or reinforce their own. But echo chambers prominently occurs on social media whether that is with the newest story on the Kardashians where false news is being spread but everyone perceives it as true. When an echo chamber exists on social media, it is called a filter bubble. Filter bubbles are created by algorithms on social media which keep track of all of the interests that a person has, forcing them to see the same things time and time again. This is something that I have also seen in my daily life scrolling on social media.

On these platforms, people have the opportunity to form digital communities, forging connections with people near or far. While a constant flow of communication can be seen as a positive thing, there is a downside. If a person is to exist in a constant state of the same idea being presented time and time again, it becomes hard to see other perspectives. This can become a lasting issue as it can exist for a prolonged period of time. Another issue that comes with echo chambers is the lack of opposing viewpoints and stable information. Because people are being confronted by likened opinions rather than facts,
echo chambers can cause a spread of misinformation. The lack of opposing viewpoints can lead to an almost narcissistic perspective.

Both of these problems can lead to a damaging societal outlook. People of all backgrounds, whether they are a part of the majority or minority, different sexuality, ages, and class ranks are included in this large issue at hand. Gen Z, specifically, is enraptured by social media has
grown up with its existence making filter bubbles nearly inescapable. Because of this, echo chambers can be seen as traps we can all easily fall into anywhere.

Kayla made it clear she was very knowledgeable on her topic and shared a ton of information about it. She kept the audience engaged and entertained with her presentation. Overall, Kayla has a very good and elaborate presentation.

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